Hurry Up and Wait

The interviews have been had, the paperwork and the background checks are mostly done, and now I wait.

I’m a pretty patient person when it comes to letting things take their course. When I’m without a steady income and needing to be earning money—because some companies are not at all understanding when it comes to late payments!—it’s really, really hard to wait for the phone calls that say, “We need you!” It’s not about the money, ultimately, even if that’s the presenting issue; it’s about being a productive member of society using the gifts and skills I have developed over the years to teach and to preach. I trust that everything will be okay, I’d just like God to work a little faster…

Now, the good thing is that when I’m not working, I am actually writing. The manuscript for the book is well and truly underway after the preliminary work to convert internal references to footnotes, which are much easier to track down and expand. I have a truly terrible overview and a worse “book hook” drafted, which is fine because first drafts are supposed to be awful. My hope is to have a proposal ready by Thanksgiving and the full draft completed by Easter. I feel like I need some kind of beaker graphic to post with milestones along the way so I have a visual to share, one that I want to be able to update every two weeks or so. I’ll have to work on that.

In the mean time, it’s nice to have handbells in my hands again and to be part of a choir, even if my hope is that I won’t be there every Sunday. I’ll be able to play and sing at Christmas and I can block Sundays off to be at my “home” church in Attleboro when the bells are playing. I can be available to help friends and to keep people company when they can’t be left alone for long periods of time. I can work on my knitting, too, which I neglected over the last couple of years. And to a greater extent than has been possible at any point in my adult life, I can pace my life the way I need to rather than as others need me to. That’s a very freeing feeling.

My pace of life right now? Hurry up and wait!

UPDATE to the previous post: Comcast claims that I owe them money, but they are waiving the money owed because I was “given incorrect information by our customer service representatives.” I don’t buy that for a moment, in part because I asked for copies of my last two bills to be e-mailed to me (lesson learned, ALWAYS save or print at least one e-bill a quarter!) for my records and I have not received anything since I asked. I’ll tackle that again next week. If the bills show what Comcast claims, then I’m satisfied. If they say what I think they say, I’ll press the issue.


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